
Historic Synopsis

Perhaps no more turbulent decade has ever been recorded in the history of America, since the Civil War 100 years earlier. Filling the news were reports of a missile crisis in Cuba, civil rights marches, Vietnam, war protests, "Hippies", riots, drugs and assassinations. The most recognized names associated with the 1960’s are John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., Neil Armstrong, Timothy Leary and the Beatles.

Through it all, the Trenton Police Department adapted to address the new problems. In the mid 1960’s the Special Services Unit (SSU) was created. The SSU was the fore-runner of the Vice unit and was comprised of members of both precincts. While most of their efforts were directed at illegal gambling, they also conducted narcotics investigations. In 1961 Chief Neese authorized the formation of the K9 Corps, a move to assist officers during burglary investigations and mass civil disobedience. As the end of the 1960’s drew close, Trenton suffered the fate of many other cities and witnessed large scale riots. These were very tense times for citizens and officers alike and marked a decline for Trenton. Eventually order prevailed, but would be short lived, for in the 1970’s racial disharmony would again surface.


Second Precinct Officers
(back row, L-R)
Joe Albano, Mickey Kmetz, Fred Filipponi,
Jim McDonough, Frank Molnar, Joe Fitzpatrick
(front row, L-R)
Lt. Henry Erbe, John Toney, Thomas Cosgrove,
Larry Schrader, Henry Orlowski, Steve Hornyak

President Kennedy & Governor Myner
President Kennedy visits Trenton, in the company of New Jersey Governor Myner. The uniformed officers (L-R) are Al Ashbock and Joe Siefert.

In Memory

Patrolman John J. Clowar

On November 16, 1964, Patrolman John J. Clowar, responded to the report of an explosive device at a bar on North Clinton Avenue. While investigating the incident a hand grenade exploded. Patrolman Clowar died at the scene from his injuries.

Detective Bureau
November 1964
(back row, L-R)
John McKeever, Leon Foley, John Carroll, Jack Kennedy
(middle row, L-R)
Andy Bacovin, Otto Shultz, Carl Worob, Mike Spanacitti,
Lawrence Bloking, Joe Welsh, Fred Sigafoos, Ed Wizerbowski
(front row, L-R)
Al Callahan, John Seiger, Joe Seifert, Pat Ferrante,
George Malone, Ed Franks, Frank Nagy

Patrol Car
mid 1960's

Patrol Wagon
mid 1960's
Patrolmen Dick Kosul & George Findler stand in front of a Patrol Wagon. These wagons were also referred to as "Police Ambulances" and often pulled double duty.

In Memory

Patrolman James Loiacono

On June 26, 1965, Patrolman James Loiacono, died as the result of injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident at the corner of Brunswick Avenue and Southard Street. Patrolman Loiacono was thrown from the Police Wagon on impact and struck his head on the curb.

Patrolman Ernie Williams
Detective Mickey Kmetz
mid 1960's
Patrolman Williams and Detective Kmetz stand in the Detective Bureau in the First Precinct. Williams would become the first African American Chief of the department in 1992.

Detectives Frank Brady & Mickey Kmetz
with Lt. Frank Fowler
mid 1960's
Detectives Brady (hat) and Kmetz talk with Lt. Folwer (seated) in the Detective Bureau at the First Precinct. Brady ascended the ranks and became Chief in 1990.

Detectives Mickey Kmetz, Ernie Williams and Leo McGann (seated).
late 1960's

Promotion Day
July 31, 1969
City Clerk Stanley Maziarz, gives the oath of office. Promoted to the listed ranks were...
Clerk Maziarz; Edward Wierbowski to Captain; Joeseph Pustae, Raymond Papszycki, James McKeever & Joseph Bayen to Lieutenant; John Prihoda to Deputy Chief; Mayor Carmen Armenti (Holding bible) Robert Bradley & Fred Sigafoos to Captain

Table of Contents

1700's 1800-1879 1880-1899
1900-1919     1920-1939     1940-1959
1960's 1970's 1980-Present  
K9       Chiefs Memorial
Guest Book Bibliography

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©1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 by M. Crosby Click here for more copyright information